A Truly Dog Friendly Hotel in the Skye Area

Bonnie Dog viewing Skye from Dun Caan
Our very own Bonnie surveying the view over to the Isle of Skye from the top of Dun Caan


We are proud to be one of the few truly “Dog Friendly” hotels in the Skye area. We know some other places are merely “dog tolerant” and that is not friendly in our book.

 Raasay House welcomes you and your beloved dogs. We are committed to making dog owners and their dogs as welcome as possible, whilst ensuring a safe and relaxing environment for all of our guests.

Bonnie Dog Walkies
dog friendly hotel raasay skye


Dogs are allowed in any hotel bedroom type but please let us know you are bringing your dog at the time of booking.
It is fair to say that most of our dogs just love a swim in the sea or a dive in a muddy puddle and we wouldn’t have them any other way! Our reception team will be more than happy to provide you with some old towels to give your buddy a wee rub down before heading to your room for a nap.


  • ‘Dogs are welcomed in the hotel bar, games room and lounges.
  • Dogs can explore the hotel grounds and enjoy the smells and checking out the massive rabbit population. 
Dun Caan walkies
dog at lunch hotel bar raasay


Evening Dinner Service: Your dog is welcome to accompany you to dinner in our Bar. The menu is exactly the same as in the restaurant area and your dog is very welcome there as long as they are under control and chilled out.

Lunch or Daytime Dining: Dogs are welcome to come and eat with you in the Bar & Bistro area in the daytime.

Breakfast Service: Dogs are not allowed into the breakfast dining rooms, however, special arrangements can be made for breakfast on request in advance eg you could take your breakfast in the bar or out the front on the terrace.

Terms & Conditions For Dogs at Raasay House Hotel

  • Guests are responsible for all property damages and/or personal injuries resulting from their dog.
  • Raasay House reserves the right to charge guest’s account and registered Credit or Debit card to commensurate to the cost of such property damages
  • Maximum of 2 dogs per room (….generally but let us know the situation and we can usually be flexible on this if the room you’re booking is big enough).
  • A dog fee of £10.00 per night will be charged to your bill to a maximum of £30 per stay. This is for extra cleaning up after our oh so fluffy friends have checked out.
  • Dogs must not be left unattended in the bedroom or suite unless they are in a crate.
  • If left in a crate in the room this must only be short periods of time. They must not be distressed, barking or crying.
  • Please keep your dogs off of the sofas, chairs etc. If you have dogs that usually jump up for a snuggle on your bed or sofa please bring a throw with you to cover the furniture (if you forget just ask us since we usually have spare throws you could use)
  • We expect all dogs to be kept on a lead whilst inside Raasay House. You never know who you might meet in the corridor, another dog or a person who is scared of dogs. Always best to be on the safe side.
  • Please make sure your dog is supervised in the Raasay House grounds. There are vehicles in this area and we want to keep your dog safe.
  • Guests are responsible for cleaning up after their dog on Raasay House grounds and elsewhere on the island. There are children and toddlers around and dog mess can be especially dangerous for the wee ones. Failure to pick up after your dog may result in a fine being added to your bill, you may not be allowed to stay again and it will make you generally unpopular so please bag it up and bin it. Bins are located around the outside of the house and in the wooden bin store to the left side of Raasay House. If you have trouble finding a bin or if you’ve run out of waste bags please ask a member of staff and we will be happy to help you out.
  • We know dogs do bark and that’s just life but for the peace of everyone please make sure any barking is curtailed. If your dog is constantly barking we may need to ask you to leave. (we won’t want to but we do have a duty to other guests and their dogs too) IMPORTANT: Please be very careful around the island not to let your dog worry or attack livestock. The island does have a very high number of sheep and not all grazing areas are fenced off so please be vigilant to avoid any tragic incidents.